Thailand is experiencing an unfortunate epidemic of young women posting photos of their breasts on Facebook pages simply to garner attention and “likes” from boys.
Whether this is actually a new development in the usage of Facebook is up for debate.
The women, many of them teenagers studying in high school, post the revealing photos on pages devoted to the practice, where some have amassed over 400,000 “likes” on the social network, KomChadLuek reported.
Many girls have their mobile cameras ready to upload salacious images instantly at any hour – then they sit back and watch as the “likes,” “shares,” and comments to build up.
Here’s a smattering of the captions these voyeuristic vamps have written for their boob shot uploads:
“Please consider my picture, but leave no comment if you think my breasts aren’t beautiful.”
“My boobs may be small, but I am very lustful.”
“I want to show my breasts, but not my name.”
“I’m not beautiful, but I still want someone to click ‘like’ for me.”
Thailand’s Ministry of Culture, unsurprisingly, is not impressed and is investigating whether the images can be qualified as obscenity and illegal. The Minister warned parents who buy smartphones for their kids to keep an eye on them, lest they end up in prison or a dangerous situation.
Meanwhile, the director of the Department of Mental Health said that many teenage ladies are posting the photos for acceptance and don’t understand the danger and immorality of the act. He urged women considering photos of their breasts online to “think twice” before they do, because it can cause more harm than good.